Laugh a year's worth of stress away with the healing power of humor poetry
Was 2024 a remarkable year for you? What will you remember 2024 for? Did you enjoy your life and study in Japan? Did you find your study or research progress fullfilling? Did you manage to find new friends and bond with good old ones?
If you have any regrets or resentment, pour them into a short 17-syllabi humorous poem and leave here. If you have joyfull memories and fascinating experiences, write a poem to commemorate them.
We invite you to compose a poem by yourself or collaborate with others via our online platform. Let's have some fun!
Was 2024 a remarkable year for you? What will you remember 2024 for? Did you enjoy your life and study in Japan? Did you find your study or research progress fullfilling? Did you manage to find new friends and bond with good old ones?
If you have any regrets or resentment, pour them into a short 17-syllabi humorous poem and leave here. If you have joyfull memories and fascinating experiences, write a poem to commemorate them.
We invite you to compose a poem by yourself or collaborate with others via our online platform. Let's have some fun!
個人枠 or 留学生個人枠
Individual / International student 一人で五・七・五の川柳もしくは俳句を完成させ、
自分の感情やユーモアをみんなに伝える。 Compose a 17-syllabel poem all by yourself and express your feelings and your sense of humor. * 留学生個人枠は日本語を母語としない方限定
"International student" category is for non-native speakers of Japanese only. |
Collaboration 最初の5文字だけ書いたり、他人の作った冒頭部に七・五を付け加えたり、チームワークで面白い文章を作る。
Compose the first line or link the next line/lines in succession. Enjoy the teamwork and a unique verse as the result. |
We welcome Nagoya University students, international students, staff, alumni, and anyone else who is capable of composing a three line "human haiku" poem in Japanese, survival Japanese or English.
We welcome Nagoya University students, international students, staff, alumni, and anyone else who is capable of composing a three line "human haiku" poem in Japanese, survival Japanese or English.
テーマ (Topic)
・【今年の特別企画 Special topic】
グローバル時代の就活とキャリア形成 Job Hunting and Career Development in the Global World
・2024年の思い出 My memories of 2024
・2025年への抱負 My goals for 2025
・フリーテーマ Free topic
大会規定/Contest Rules
Hosted by NU School of Humanities International Office
問い合わせ/Contact us:[email protected]
Hosted by NU School of Humanities International Office
問い合わせ/Contact us:[email protected]